(+237) 677-65-48-85
Centre de Formation en Entreprenariat

Formation Agro-Pastorale

Direction de la Formation

Dr Ikito Alain

Campus Nanga-Eboko
Décanat, Nouveaux Sites

(+237) 677-06-64-59

Lun – Ven 9:00 – 17:00


Le CFPEA-UAC est un centre de formation professionnelle qui propose aux jeunes en générale et plus précisément à ceux accusant un retard dans leur parcours scolaire une formation de qualité supérieure en entreprenariat agro-pastoral. L’offre de formation du CFPEA-UAC a deux spécialisations :

Great Logical Process

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with mty whole heart.

Social Media

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with mty whole heart.

Why Customers Love Us?

Elle consiste par ailleurs à doter l’apprenant des connaissances essentielles dans les domaines des sciences naturelles, l’agro-industrie, la gestion des entreprises, et les connaissances générales.
Au CFPEA-UAC, les apprenants auront à maitriser l’élevage de la volaille, des ovins, bovins, et cabri. Ils auront à maitriser l’apiculture, partant de la construction des ruches ; suivi de la production des abeilles et de la production du miel.

Limitless possibilities create

Domaine d'Intervention

  • Elevage
  • Agriculture
  • Agro-industrie
  • Gestion des entreprises
  • Sciences naturelles
  • Connaissances générales

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river.

Be wise and choose

Power Elite Author

We are the top author of Themeforest, Power Elite Author. There are not much authors who hit power eilite level and with 5 years of expereinces. We know what exactly you want. We promise to deliver the best products with great after sales support and we won’t let you down.

Are you ready to be amazed?

Our New Framework

We had spent a lot of time to study, gather information and finally we come up with the best page builder in the world. It’s the most powerful with many options and it has everything you need. You can push them into 3 modes, block mode, preview mode and live mode(frontend builder). Now with this tool, your imagination will be limitless.

Punctual Delivery Time

99% Delivered On Time

High Technology Factory

& Environment Friednly

High Standard Labors

99% QC Passed

Construction Products

Construction & Engineering

We provides a comprehensive range of products and techniques to create value for the construction industry and support sustainable development.